easement solutions

Land Rights Services

We provide end-to-end project management, expertly securing Land Rights on behalf of our clients and with a wealth of experience, we offer an extensive range of specialist services.

We work closely with our clients to determine what Rights are needed, arrange for the applicable documentation to be issued and oversee negotiations.

Acting as a mediator and managing the relationship between the key stakeholders whilst delivering transparent and regular updates on the process from conception through to project completion, we ensure each project is managed smoothly and efficiently.

How we can help

Our expert team can also confidently assist with any of the following matters:

Landowner Identification

This can be contact referencing, where contact is established with the landowners, or non-contact via desk-based research.

Access Negotiations and Damage Compensation Claims

For any infrastructure from Tower lines to Underground Cables and Pipes.

Form B Consent for Overhead Lines (EA1989 S37)

Under requirement of the Electricity Act 1989, Section 37. Establishing consent requirements for overhead lines.

Statutory Consents including:

  • Network Rail
  • Non-Main River Consents
  • Canal and River Trust Consent
  • Environment Agency Consents
  • Internal Drainage Board consents
  • Schedule Ancient Monuments consent
  • Natural England Consent including arranging and managing Ecological and Archaeological surveys and watching briefs.

Planning exemption Consent & Private Streetworks Consent

Electricity Act 1989 Chapter 29 Schedule 4. Where notification must be delivered to the Local Authority in order to confirm that planning consent is not required, demonstrating that the proposed works are permitted developments in accordance with legislation.

Planning applications for non-exempt apparatus

For apparatuses outside of the scope of Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.

Listed Building Consent , Faculty (Church) Consent, Party Wall Consent

Discussions and negotiations with Historic England and local dioceses.

Serving notice for access to existing equipment

Under legislative Acts for water, gas and electricity, and pre-existing legal agreements.

Route Feasibility studies

Including landowner referencing, Highway investigations and statutory consent requirements for projects of all sizes.

Need some help or advice?

CREST Database

We have developed our customisable database, to optimise project management efficiency and client experience.

Here we record all our projects and their progress to keep clients accurately informed with every new update. This bespoke service was built in-house and is continually evolving to meet our clients' individual needs.

Since inception we have partnered with two of our clients to create their own database portals, allowing us to grant shared client access. Doing so maximises the efficiency of the project from either side as our clients can review the latest updates whenever they like. This is something we can continue to incorporate into our database, should a potential client wish to have their own direct access point.

Crest database
The database can, at any time, run a client-specific report to produce a comprehensive spreadsheet with all the desired data necessary for review. We share these on a scheduled basis with our current clients, at their desired frequency.

Our database is a source of great pride and continues to drive our commitment to efficient and effective management.

CAD Drawing Services

With more than twenty years of shared experience, our in-house CAD team produces all our Land Registry compliant legal drawings without delay.

These are produced in accordance with various network operators’ requirements to meet the needs of each individual client. We can also provide comparisons against other site data and produce overlays as needed, such as Section 38 and Land Registry overlays.


Learn more about
Land rights.

Explore the landscape of easements, understanding their various types and implications for landowners.

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or advice?

Contact one of our specialists to see how we can help you with an easement solution.

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